Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cooking Updates

As some of you know, I used to have a cooking blog. I guess I still have one, but I haven't actually posted anything there since December. I had been blogging about recipes and cooking-related topics for a few years, and got sick of always having to rehash about what I made, how to do it, and typing out detailed recipes. I'm living in the world of food right now, thanks to my job at Whole Foods, so I don't always feel like blogging about recipes on my time off.

However, I am still cooking a TON, and find that I do sometimes want to share my favorite recipes. I'm going to use this blog as a place to share occasional kitchen successes, while also talking to you about whatever else comes to mind. That's the beauty of having a blog... I can use it to talk about whatever I want!

I've updated the tabs up top. Below my header is a tab for Recipes, where I'll link up any food-related posts. I'll also continue to put links there for recipes that I like but don't feel like blogging about. Check back later today for a fantastic vegetarian taco recipe I made last week, and let me know if you're cooking anything tasty I should know about!

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